The Wolves Den

A Brief Bio.
My Gradeschool Years
Little Known Facts
Places I have been
The Adams Family Tree
Flying with the Crow
For My Mom
A Special Dedication to Mom
To my sister Sandi
The Wonderful World of Glamour Shots!!! LOLOLOL
My life as I know it now

Free-spirited and full of adventure, the wolf pack always stays entwined.

I finally have the opportunity to get this website started.  For all of those I said "it's coming", I am sorry it took so long.  Guess that's what I get for not being quite so computer literate!!  Any way!  I have so many friends and loved ones that I am not able to talk to on a regular basis, and this is my chance to let some of them know how things are going in my life.  I hope you all enjoy, and let me know what you think.

I guess I will start by letting all of you know, that this "project" of mine, has been in the making for a while.  My "other" site, is actually kind of boring.  You'll find a lot of things that you may or may not like.  But, as you check out my other links, maybe you will have a better understanding of my life as it is now.

What's New?

Well, I guess I am being told to update my sight!  LOL  Hmmmmmm  do I look like a procrastinator or what?  A lot has changed over the last 6 months, but, you will have to check out the links to find out what they are!!  Have fun!!

This is the most recent pic of me.